Herald Pear

Diamond Ring

Product Details

A pear diamond ring like no other. Alice’s love of the ‘through view’ of a ring is showcased here with the beautifully layered banding beneath the central pear diamond setting.

The small round diamonds flow over and around the kite diamonds on the shoulders echoing the movement of the banding and taking the diamond ring up a notch.

Each ring is custom crafted. Please enquire to choose your diamond with Alice.

Engagement rings are crafted in 18kt rose, white and yellow gold or platinum.

Delivery Details

Free shipping worldwide.

In-stock items will be dispatched within 3 working days. Please allow approximately 8 weeks for crafting custom orders (after the order is confirmed). We will keep you updated throughout the process and you will be provided with full tracking details upon dispatch.

For all international orders, New Zealand Goods and Services Tax (GST) is removed at checkout, however the buyer is responsible for all duties and taxes on import.


Alice Herald

Online Enquiry