Our Song, Let's Fly

Our Song, Let’s Fly is a celebration of how fine jewels make you feel – they elevate and transport you.

Inspired by the Racket Tailed Hummingbird with it’s bright green chest, fluffy white feet and forked tail – Alice creates unique shapes reflecting the spatule tail, and layers diamonds and forms to mimic flight and feathers.

Sing Sleeper

Mini Sing Diamond Earrings

Sing Diamond Earrings

Shop the look

Soar Pair

Soar and Fly Stud

Glide Ring

Swoon Hoops

Fly Stud

Spatule Stud

Unison Studs

Symphony Hoops

The Egg Pendant

Vane Hoops

Golden Feather Drops

For a virtual or in person viewing of the above jewels, please get in touch