Istoria – The Collection

Alice Herald Jewellery Designer

Ancient Architecture Re-imagined

I thought I'd share a little background to the Istoria collection, ahead of its NZ Preview this Friday. 

The foundation for this collection is one that has inspired many and I like to think I have created my own insight in putting the usual 'Alice unique edge', with a splash of Greek mythology storytelling on the side, into the pieces. And yes, there is a pinky!

Re-creating the wonder you feel when walking in to one of the Ancient Roman domes, like the Pantheon with its coffered ceilings, or walking alongside the enormous fluted columns at the Parthenon was paramount. A visual feast. The rich textural detailing is a key aspect to the designs. When handled you want to turn the piece over appreciating and absorbing the full story, each feature having a reason to be. 

I became very fond of the book  "A History of Architecture" by Bannister Fletcher, lent to me by a wonderful client when discussing my next source of inspiration. I spent hours pouring over the architectural footprints of these buildings, many of which inspired the forms of several jewels and learning about the Ionic and Doric Orders - the evolution of the columns for the lay person - I really became quite the architectural obsessive. I coupled this knowledge with introducing fun things like novel interpretations of the thumb rings and double ended bangles which were true to Ancient Greek fashion. 

Mythology also plays a huge role in the ancient architecture and I bring this in subtle ways, like the backs of the hoop earrings are split and feathered, echoing the winged feet of Hermes or the laurel wreath for the Olympiads on the underside of the gemstone settings.

It's in delving this deep that you can really create something truly unique.

So I look forward to sharing it with you all, this Friday, bubbles in hand, 12-6pm, at the studio. 

Alice x

Flute Earrings

The Baguette Flutes inspired by the shifting columns of Ancient Greece 

Odeon Stacker Rings

The Odeon Stacker Rings inspired by the coffered ceilings of Ancient Rome

Istoria Jewellery Preview Wanaka

For the latest from Alice
And her collections